Support Groups

Find your community. Find your chosen family.

Peer support groups are at the core of what we do.

Group frequency is dependent on community interest and facilitator availablity. Click through for group descriptions and how to join

Please read the general support group rules and guidelines found here before joining any group, as well as the descriptions on the individual group pages, as some groups are limited to a specific identity or by age group or member status.


Patchwork support groups are intended to offer a safe space to process feelings and experiences related to life as a transgender, non-binary, gender non-conforming, or intersex person. Support groups are educational and supportive in nature and offer opportunities for self care only. The groups are not intended, and are in no way meant to offer, render, or represent legal, psychological or health care, or social services advice for any individual or situation. Patchwork support will not be construed to provide legal, medical, mental health or any other type of health or social service. No diagnosis, treatment recommendations or advice regarding any legal, medical or mental health condition or illness are offered or implied. Peer support groups cannot be a substitute for, or alternative to, treatment when a medical or mental health condition is present, nor for advice of qualified legal counsel. Support group members are advised to seek professional services from licensed attorneys, physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists and health care or intervention or social service professionals, if and when necessary.